Testimonial Synaxys


Read the testimonial from Synaxys, a pioneer in neuro-engineering, who called on Torus Medical to help them realize their project.

Reading time: 2 minutes.

Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy or autism are all terms that are likely to ring a bell. All correspond to disorders or diseases of the nervous system, i.e. diseases that affect, disrupt and sometimes progressively destroy the human nervous system.

Treating diseases of the nervous system: a challenge.

Today, diseases of the nervous system affect 7% of the world’s population, yet 76% of drug candidates fail to reach Phase III clinical trials. Despite the urgent need to make effective drugs available to patients, no curative treatment yet exists. Clearly, we are facing a major social problem.

At the root of this medical wandering is the lack of effective models. All the more so since animal experimentation, which has been widely used up until now, is becoming increasingly controversial and is tending to disappear. The time has come, therefore, to develop new in vitro experimental models to contribute to the development and study of the pathophysiological effects of existing or new drug entities, targeted at diseases of the human nervous system.

Optimizing current in vitro models is therefore a key health challenge that Synaxys has been addressing for over 2 years.

The Synaxys solution

Thanks to innovative patented processes, Synaxys offers “5D-brain“, the first reliable in vitro human model of the nervous system, enabling complex functional studies to be carried out over time. This model, designed for clinical research, is capable of predicting human nervous system responses to treatment.

This is the first model to provide three-dimensional, time-correlated functional information (5D).

Carrying out multi-parametric analyses leads to problems in processing and analyzing the data collected, due to the multiplicity of formats involved.

Source : SYNAXYS | Neuro-Engineering Systems