L’intelligence artificielle ou IA, qu’est-ce que c’est ? EN

What is artificial intelligence or AI? ALIA SANTé Artificial intelligence raises both philosophical and computer questions Everyone has a little idea about AI.  But what do we really know?    Reading time: 2 minutes   Artificial intelligence is a set of algorithms used to simulate human intelligence at different scales.   AI is made up of a large number of different technologies, which will allow machines to learn and act like a human would. This process is broken down into three phases: – Acquisition, information and rules of use– Processing, and applying rules to achieve a result– Self-correction, and assessment of relevance of outcome AI can be classified as strong or weak. Weak artificial intelligence (or narrow AI) aims to achieve a single task or several closely related tasks to perfection. These AIs are well mastered and are very powerful, however their scope of action is limited. We regularly find them in our daily lives as virtual personal assistants such as Apple Siri.   Between use and fiction   Strong artificial intelligence (or general) remains today a utopian conception. Able to solve all types of problems, to respond to all abilities related to that of the human. The current technique does not create a technology capable of substituting human emotions. The subtleties of our interactions remain complicated to grasp.Today, strong AI is a design ideal in Data Scientists. Indeed, it is very complicated to pass the Turing test. The latter asks an AI to hold a conversation with a human without the latter realizing it.   In what field is artificial intelligence used?   Today we use these mechanisms daily, from ChatBot, to voice assistants through the economy, public transport and of course… health! Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ideal assistant, especially in the context of weak AI, they are indeed the ideal collaborator in the information society.   What are the social challenges of artificial intelligence?   Today we live in a completely new context, indeed, for nearly a century, all the greatest mathematicians have applied themselves to accompany us in this change. In the 1950s Alan Turing used the term artificial intelligence for the first time, AI is now indispensable. In the historical contexts that followed, the idea of assistance that could automate, save time is an ideal that was profiled and then realized. Thus, to speak of artificial intelligence is to integrate the notion of progress, it is a necessary evolution in our society.  

L’intelligence artificielle médicale à travers le monde. EN

Medical artificial intelligence around the world. ALIA SANTé Artificial intelligence Artificial intelligence is the answer to a wide range of health-related demographic issues. It is helping to improve the daily lives of hundreds of thousands of people. Medical artificial intelligence accompanies and improves many lives around the world.   Reading time: 4 minutes   Since the arrival of the coronavirus, the use of digital technology in the medical field has evolved exponentially. This use is not new in France, but is being extensively tested in the east of the country, which is often abandoned by healthcare professionals in favor of other regions. The result is medical deserts. Once you’re in this vicious circle, it’s very difficult to get out. Indeed, the workload for doctors in isolated areas is extreme. During the health crisis, for example, digital technology made it possible to continue health care services. These were able to be carried out via teleconsultation, while protecting the caregiver, family and patient. This experience has raised awareness of the challenges of medical artificial intelligence. It is being exported and used throughout the world. Solutions have been put in place using medical artificial intelligence to overcome problems specific to different countries. Let’s take a tour of the continents to find out more.   In the United States, medical artificial intelligence is used to offer rights to the poorest.   In the USA, the healthcare system is only partially meeting needs. That’s why engineers are developing artificial intelligence solutions that could create a new healthcare paradigm in the USA. A coalition, AI3C, has been set up to help improve the healthcare system. Institutions in education, health and digital have joined forces to improve conditions for the population. The aim is to bring cutting-edge technology to the medical system, while training tomorrow’s healthcare data scientists. The idea is to guarantee greater medical justice. With this union, the aim is to get a people worn down by the healthcare system back into shape. For its mass of work for healthcare specialists and lack of equity for patients.   Small steps towards equality.   As we know, healthcare practices in the United States are rather paradoxical. Indeed, the world’s greatest power has no universal social protection system. As a result, many Americans are too rich to qualify for subsidies, but too poor to afford private insurance. As a result, a certain segment of the population has to forego health care. The coalition is still in its infancy, with AI3C member Microsoft announcing the news in a press release. The aim is to make up for the obvious lack of resources for American healthcare, by ensuring significant advances in the field of medical artificial intelligence.    We’re excited to share @Microsoft has launched the Artificial Intelligence Industry Innovation Coalition (AI3C) to expand the use of #AI in #Healthcare. 🏥 Learn more about the organizations involved and the board’s work to create AI solutions for positive societal outcomes👇 — Microsoft Industry Solutions (@MSFTSolutions) February 1, 2022 In Africa, people living in high-risk areas are treated by artificial intelligence.   Africa is working with many industries and the United Nations to develop smart tele-care methods. The goal is to change the medical landscape. Mali already has a successful project related to e-health. Mountaga Keïta and Cheick Oumar Bagayoko worked to set up various systems assisted by artificial health intelligence. Thus, there are telemedicine terminals in risk areas. These terminals are composed of sensors, thermal camera, tensiometers, to treat people. The idea here is to fill the gap of doctors and health actors. But also to respect the right of people to access care regardless of their habitat. According to a WHO report, Africa has 2 doctors per 10,000 inhabitants. These figures are 16 times lower than those collected in Europe. A major investment was made to ensure the use of teleconsultation, particularly in Bouaké, Côte d’Ivoire. There, the hospital’s seven cardiologists are responsible for carrying out AI-assisted teleconsultations.   In China, rural areas are treated by artificial intelligence.   China’s vast territory is home to medical deserts. The country that trains a large number of doctors, fails to keep them in the public domain. Very low wages and medical deserts are being shunned by health professionals. Thus, many organizations have invested in e-health sites. People living in medical deserts can thus access healthcare without moving. Patients are analyzed and perceive treatments suggested by artificial intelligence. Their databases are capable of analyzing several thousand diseases and symptoms. One of the reasons this has evolved so quickly is the lack of rights in the data protection issue. Thus, the problem is raised in the country, where one wonders at what price these people access care. In Europe, it is data protection that precedes progress. Thus, we can observe that it is necessary to ensure an ethical practice to certify a real security. Medical artificial intelligence around the world is at different stages of development. Seeing large companies betting on it also means being assured of its operation  

L’intelligence artificielle au service de l’humain. EN

Artificial intelligence at the service of people. ALIA SANTé Artificial intelligence and humans. Artificial intelligence is a tool created by humans, and for humans. It’s the result of nearly a century of research by leading mathematicians. The continuous addition of new data. Powerful and reliable, artificial intelligence is at the service of humans. If it’s at the heart of conversations and questioning, it’s because it’s taking a real place.   Reading time: 4 minutes   Artificial intelligence is everywhere: in finance, public transport, everyday tools and healthcare. It is the perfect everyday assistant, with its learning and application skills. Today, there is little doubt that it will eventually assert itself thanks to its capabilities. Recently, Google’s artificial intelligence has been recognized as capable of coding like the average programmer. They are capable of creating works, interacting, responding to certain requests, assisting in medical diagnoses… All this is the result of learning that humans have worked hard to induce. Today, new fields of research are being opened up by artificial intelligence, such as ethics, which is the subject of much debate in the European Parliament. By integrating itself into our daily lives and gathering ever more data, artificial intelligence is now capable of achieving great things for the well-being of humans.   Artificial intelligence for well-being   Well-being often starts with taking care of your body. We can therefore think of new artificial intelligence technologies capable of creating personalized diagnoses and advising on what is needed for beautiful skin. But it could also be a question of psychological well-being. In this context, artificial intelligence is becoming a true companion to humans. Indeed, AI can be found in nursing homes and hospitals. It accompanies patients, asking them questions and monitoring their well-being. This presence enables patients to interact when staff are lacking.   The patient’s assistant as well as the caregiver’s.   The presence of medical artificial intelligence is not only beneficial for the patient. Indeed, there are certain situations that require the presence of a nurse. If the nurse is already busy, he or she can send a robot to the patient. The robot can then begin to examine the patient, asking questions in preparation for the nurse’s examination. Artificial intelligence can be a great help, through simple gestures. But it doesn’t stop there. Artificial intelligence can also help perform highly complicated surgeries. AI provides surgeons with enhanced functionalities and converts hand movements into much more precise ones, thanks to robots over which surgeons retain full control.   Scientific advances that were just waiting for the arrival of IAM.   If all advances are becoming more rapid and relevant, it’s because medicine has gradually introduced digital technology into its practices. Artificial intelligence simply has to be integrated into pre-existing modules that were already virtually independent. Artificial intelligence, in the service of human beings, enables us to make the most effective progress.  

L’intelligence artificielle au service de la radiologie EN

Artificial intelligence for radiology ALIA SANTé Artificial intelligence and radiology are now complementary Indeed, the emergence of artificial intelligence has led to the development of new types of radiological consultation. Artificial intelligence and radiology are now complementary. Indeed, the emergence of artificial intelligence has led to the development of new types of radiological consultations. Reading time: 4 minutes   Artificial intelligence, a tool for radiology.   Equipping radiologists with new modules.   These modules feature a wide range of tools. Here is a non-exhaustive list of the parameters that can be integrated: Annotation support (classification, segmentation, detection) Data processing and structuring Automatic generation of medical reports Detection of the most common anomalies (hernia, vertebral compression, spinal stenosis, spondylolithesis, etc.) Automatic measurement of parameters   Thanks to image synthesis, a global view can be obtained. Segmentation enables visual control of the output. And thanks to reconstruction and denoising, the patient has a shorter exposure time to the waves.   Upstream investment in the technologies of the future.   France decided to position itself very early on in the innovation of artificial intelligence in radiology. To this end, it was decided to transmit radiological “BigData” to the industry. The latter, by developing competent artificial intelligence, introduce it into the hospitals that have provided the necessary data.   Requirements for smooth operation   Today, tools are being put in place to evaluate the skills of radiologists and artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is a very powerful tool, and their collaboration is very conclusive.   Artificial intelligence is a medical decision support tool, not a diagnostic tool.   The relationship between programmer and radiologist   Working with radiologists, is to enable artificial intelligence to become a more reliable tool. Indeed, to guarantee an ideal medical imaging analysis tool, dialogue between data scientists and healthcare specialists is necessary. In this way, each of the two professions will be able to provide the other with different but equally important angles. First and foremost, we need to work towards better patient care. Radiologists are demanding transparency when it comes to medical artificial intelligence. Indeed, radiologists need to understand how the ia they use work.   The black box concept is unthinkable in the medical field.    The radiologist’s position in the face of a new type of alliance   At the very mention of artificial intelligence in radiology, people’s minds went into a panic. Indeed, some radiologists thought their role would be annihilated. Of course, this was a misperception. In fact, particularly in France, radiologists are highly efficient. Radiologists produce 120 million procedures a year, achieving impressive results despite sometimes inadequate resources. Today, this idea has changed. Artificial intelligence is making its appearance in the institutions, freeing up time and restoring a place for relationships with patients.   Improve relations between patients and radiologists.   What stands out with the emergence of artificial intelligence in radiology is the evolution of the relationship with the patient. Whereas frustration may have arisen from a lack of contact with the specialist, the acceleration of processes is changing this. Now, the healthcare professional can devote more time to the patient and develop the social bond between them. When it comes to machine-generated results, it’s important to have an exchange with someone who can confirm and explain. In fact, the machine makes it possible to foster relationships, reducing the time it takes to propose a diagnosis.   The patient and artificial intelligence.   A revaluation of the personal aspect.   Moreover, the absence of contact, communication and feelings is the main problem for patients. Indeed, what a patient is looking for is support, transparency and trust. Medical imaging analysis tools are still in their infancy in radiology. However, artificial intelligence is already bringing major practical, physical and emotional benefits.  

L’ABC des IA pour mieux comprendre les datas EN

The ABCs of AI to better understand data ALIA SANTé Understanding how our AIs work also means understanding everything that surrounds them. Alia Santé is all about transparency, so we tell you a little more with the ABCs of AI! Reading time: 4 minutes   A Algorithm : An algorithm is a set of instructions and calculation rules that must be carried out in order to solve a problem. Gradient Descent algorithm : Gradient Descent is an optimization algorithm whose aim is to minimize a convex function. It is iterative and converges progressively. Semantic analysis (document similarity) : Semantic Analysis is the analysis of text elements not by syntax and grammatical forms, but by meaning. API : API stands for “Application Programming Interface” and corresponds to an interface that “connects” two software programs in order to exchange data or information.   B lorem   C CamemBERT: This is an artificial intelligence algorithm for vectorizing words for semantic analysis. Clustering : Clustering is a Machine Learning technique designed to group data into homogeneous groups with similar characteristics. Computer Vision : Computer Vision is an artificial intelligence technique designed to analyze images or videos in the same way as a human would.    D Data Visualization : Data Visualization (or “dataviz”) is the set of techniques used to visualize data in graphical form. It enables better quantitative and qualitative analysis of data sets, and highlights the links between data. Deep learning : Deep learning is a machine learning technique based on the use of neural networks. Driverless : Driverless AI ensures that artificial intelligence is autonomous, scalable and personalized to the user. Dicom viewer : The dicom viewer is an image-reading software dedicated to medical staff.   Translated with DeepL.com (free version)   E Explainable AI (XAI):The term “explainable AI” or “interpretable AI” means that humans are able to understand and explain the path taken by an artificial intelligence to make a decision.   F lorem G lorem H lorem I AMI: Medical Artificial Intelligence is the new model that will revolutionize the world of healthcare by contracting medicine, algorithm, progress and science. Artificial Intelligence: Artificial Intelligence is the set of techniques and theories designed to understand and reproduce human intelligence.   J lorem K lorem L lorem M Machine Learning: Machine Learning is a sub-category of artificial intelligence, enabling machines to learn on their own without having been programmed beforehand. Machine Learning uses data to learn and develop.   N NLP : Natural Language Processing enables machines to process the human voice, i.e. to understand, interpret and manipulate it.   O lorem P Python: Python is the most widely used programming language in the world of data science. It’s a versatile language that can be used in a wide variety of contexts, thanks to the wide range of libraries available.   Q lorem R Reinforcement learning : Reinforcement Learning is a machine learning technique that lets the machine learn to choose which action to take autonomously. The agent learns by being rewarded or penalized for its actions. Convolutional neural networks (CNN) : A convolutional neural network is a special case of artificial neural networks. This network is characterized by its first convolutional layers, which apply convolutional filtering to the input. This neural network architecture is often used for image or video recognition. Recurrent neural networks (RNN) : A recurrent neural network is a special case of artificial neural networks adapted to the processing of time series or sequential data.   S Speech-to-text : Speech-to-text is a method of converting speech into text, as suggested by translation. Thanks to artificial intelligence, this method is becoming increasingly efficient. SQL : SQL or “Structured Query Language” is a programming language for database management.   T lorem U lorem V lorem W Word2vec : Developed by Google engineers, this module improves syntactic understanding of terms. This method allows words to be represented as vectors of real numbers.   X lorem Y lorem Z lorem 1 2 3 4 5  5P : 5P medicine is the medicine of the future, based on 5 principles (preventive, predictive, participative, personalized, relevant). It can be developed and made increasingly relevant with the anchoring of AMI. 6 7 8 9 0  The ABCs of AI will gradually fill up… You can count on us, and don’t hesitate to visit our blog!  

Le numérique responsable EN

Responsible digital technology ALIA SANTé Computers and digital technology play a key role in our society, and are used in almost every sector, including AI. Although digital technology has many advantages, it also causes serious damage: environmental pollution and social problems. Is a responsible digital future possible? Reading time: 4 minutes   How can we preserve the use of digital technology while limiting its pollution? Can artificial intelligence using computers and digital technology be compatible with responsible digital technology?   Great! A new smartphone has just been released, with new operating software, lots of different applications, frequent updates to stay connected, impressive screen quality and 5G to enjoy the Internet everywhere and without limits, to stream videos for example! I’m buying! Digital technology is constantly evolving, to the point where it is omnipresent in our society, with ever more sophisticated digital terminals and ever more functionalities. The digital industry essentially encompasses digital terminals, data centers and network infrastructures. Today, everything is changing and must move fast. With this in mind, there’s only one watchword: innovation. However, this high demand for digital innovation is not without consequences.   Environmental impact Omnipresent, yes, even in environmental disasters. Energy consumption and CO2 emissions are exploding: the digital sector accounts for 4% of global greenhouse gas emissions, more than the aviation sector. Moreover, stocks of metals and ores are depleted, and impressive quantities of water are used every day: 1500 L of water are needed to design a single computer. And yet, 45% of the functions required on digital terminals are never used, and the lifespan of products is deliberately reduced in order to increase their replacement frequency. (Digital obsolescence).   And what about artificial intelligence?   As you’d expect: the use of large volumes of computation to learn algorithms, voracious use of servers, storage of large amounts of collected data… Artificial intelligence, while driving positive developments in the medical field in particular, is also contributing to the depletion of environmental resources and the development of greenhouse gases. Digital pollution, i.e. the pollution generated by greenhouse gas emissions, chemical components and electronic waste, is therefore increasing all the time. Studies show that the majority of digital pollution occurs during the manufacturing process.   As well as a definite environmental disaster, there are also human tragedies associated with the manufacture of terminals: toxic emissions, illegal financing, pollution of drinking water sources and soil impacting food production…   Environmental impact   Digital technology is not available to everyone. More and more, the Internet is becoming an indispensable part of our society: administrative procedures, online payments, dematerialized information… However, the use of new technologies goes beyond and/or is inaccessible for some people, mainly in the following situations. Personal situation (age, education…)Financial situationDisability, visual impairment… To be excluded from the digital world is to be socially isolated. Although these situations are improving, they are still all too common. Clearly, there is an urgent need to implement appropriate solutions to reduce the environmental and social impact of digital technology. Today, digital technology is still too irresponsible.   One solution : responsible digital   So what is responsible digital? Responsible digital designates digital technology that respects the environment and its users. In other words, a digital world that is sober, sustainable, ecological and inclusive of all populations, while genuinely serving them.   On the one hand, Responsible Digital encompasses all approaches aimed at improving the environmental and social footprint of digital technology (Green IT), and on the other hand, improving the environmental and social footprint through digital technology (IT for green).   Le Green IT désigne l’ensemble des technologies et outils qui permettent aux entreprises de diminuer l’impact environnemental de leur industrie numérique. Le It for Green désigne les démarches mises en place grâce au numérique dans le but de sensibiliser et réduire l’empreinte écologique d’un appareil.   Green AI and AI for Green   Artificial intelligence, as a major energy consumer and CO2 emitter, must crucially become responsible. Green AI is possible The trend is towards high-performance models such as Deep Learning, whose applications are greatly improving everyday life, with image and voice recognition in particular. However, the more elaborate the models, the more input data, computing power and training they require. Switching to green artificial intelligence means raising the awareness of all those involved in AI design, and opting for the best possible alternatives to reduce environmental impact. Optimizing AI execution frequencyOptimization of machine learning tasksCode optimizationChoosing less energy-intensive data centersFavoring Edge ComputingImproved data management: define why we store data, and for how long? Is it really useful? AI for green Green AI is undeniably possible, and in line with the IT for Green approach, it can also help reduce environmental problems. AI, a solution to the climate crisis Par exemple, certaines IA peuvent être entrainées afin de prédire les émissions de CO2 et la consommation d’électricité, permettant de réduire l’empreinte carbone. Dans cette continuité, l’IA peut aussi être utilisée pour mesurer l’élévation du niveau de la mer, détecter la présence de plastique dans les océans et contribuer à la sauvegarde des coraux. So to speak, AI has a wide range of possible uses in our society, in sectors as diverse as agriculture, healthcare, geothermal energy and aviation, making them more responsible and greener.   Levers and tools for digital responsibilit   To support this transition to responsible digital services, a number of tools and means of action to be adopted on a daily basis are being shared and implemented. For example, the Institut du Numérique Responsable INR has published a reference guide (#GR491), divided into 8 families and offering 57 recommendations for the design of responsible digital services. Responsible Design Reference Guide (institutnr.org) GR491, The Reference Guide to Responsible Digital Service Design | INR (isit-europe.org) Reduce carbon footprint Limit, compress and adapt image and video formatsLimit the number of fonts usedLimit Mail exchanges and delete them regularlyLimit cloud computingChoose a responsible web hostOptimize and better manage our data Reducing the impact of our equipment Implement a

L’intelligence artificielle pour interpréter les images médicales de la colonne vertébrale EN

Artificial intelligence to interpret medical images of the spine ALIA SANTé Spine AI is artificial intelligence software for interpreting medical images of the spine obtained from MRI, X-ray and CT scans Reading time: 2 minutes.   Promote effective patient care.   Low back pain is one of the most common reasons people see their doctor or go to urgent care. This rate of patients also corresponds to an insufficiency in the success of spinal operations (HAS). Furthermore, early identification is not always possible due to a high demand for radiologists and specialists. This is why we implemented our Spine AI analysis software.   Analyze medical spinal imaging using Spine AI.   Spine AI is artificial intelligence software for interpreting medical images of the spine obtained by MRI, X-ray and CT scans. Spine AI supports the reading of these images, it also helps provide information on detected pathologies and measure key spinal parameters. Additionally, it clearly identifies and alerts the user to the presence of spinal abnormalities. Spine AI analytics software incorporates task-based, workflow-driven user design and real-time analytical reporting. This module uses machine learning algorithms based on fully convolutional neural networks combined with knowledge from the medical domain.   Provide effective tools for medical image analysis.   Help with annotation (classification, segmentation detection).  Data processing and structuring.  Anonymization of patient data.  Integration directly into your Dicom viewer.  Adaptability to all types of images (MRI, X-rays, scanner), and all types of views (axial, lateral, frontal).  Automatic generation of medical reports in PDF format.  Detection of the most common anomalies (hernia, vertebral collapse, spinal stenosis, spondylolithesis, etc.)  Automatic measurement of parameters.