Europe's pioneer in synthetic data generation

Boost your data
with high-quality synthetic data

The synthetic data generation provides the healthcare industry with powerful solutions to accelerate research, drive the discovery of new treatments, and facilitate collaboration between stakeholders while ensuring the protection of sensitive data.

Why use our platform ?

All-in-one solution

Manage, store, and share your data on a single platform.

SAAS Platform

Our platform is designed so that you can use it easily without AI skills.



Only platform for data generation on different types of data (Images, tabulars, time series, etc.)


Synthetic data is produced with a high level of accuracy, then validated and certified by our experts.


Our solutions

Start the process

Start by analysing what you already have and what you need in terms of your data.

Generation of synthetic data

Generate your own synthetic database to move your healthcare projects forward.

Validation process

Annotate your synthetic databases easily.

Data visualisation

Identify the ways in which your data can be leveraged and analysed

AI model creation

Easily create your AI model to perform your various tasks.

Maturity audit

Get a personalised diagnosis of your data/IA maturity.

In what context should we use our
synthetic data ?

Lake of data

Synthetic data fill the data gap or complete data in existing databases.




Synthetic data recreates realistic data without personal information, ensuring anonymization and analytical value.

AI Performance

Synthetic data allows you to generate a large volume of anonymized data to improve your models.

Our awards

Let's discuss your project together