5P medicine


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5P medicine

Our digitally-saturated society benefits greatly from progress. That’s why health isn’t standing in the way of our new lifestyle. After years of reflection, 5P medicine has become a project for France. Its aim is to take advantage of the expansion of digital technology to create a more adapted form of medicine. Let’s take a look at what lies behind the idea of “predictive”, “preventive”, “personalized”, “participative” and “proven” medicine.

Reading time: 4 minutes

Preventive :

Already active to a certain extent through the intervention of professionals or lobbies, this practice enables us to implement preventive gestures.

However, prevention is still limited when it comes to Musculoskeletal Disorders and Psycho-Social Risks.

So, although this idea of prevention is already established, it is not yet very effective.

Predictive :

Prevention consists in warning people about the risks of a particular practice. Above all, however, we need to be aware of the risks of our actions. Prediction, therefore, detects all the risk factors that will require prevention.

By knowing as many parameters as possible about an individual, the chances of prevention increase. Thus, by cross-referencing practices, consumption and habits, it will be possible to reliably distinguish risk factors.

It’s a job that calls for rigor and strategy, in order to cross-reference data as effectively as possible. This is exactly what data scientists are good at, and they are actively contributing to this paradigm shift.

Mastering the factors of an individual’s daily life ensures the most appropriate approach to risk prevention.

In order to prevent a person’s disorders, we need to understand that a single cause cannot be the reason for all ills.

Thus, the issue to be taken into account for the future care pathway is not the pathology, but the individual.

Participatory :

Professional intervention need not result in extreme pain.

Indeed, the idea of participatory medicine requires the patient to be active in caring for his or her body. Today’s research proves that the body is capable of and needs movement. Indeed, when pain seems to advise against it, passively acting on the body to spare it is an outdated idea and belongs to earlier medicine.

It is therefore necessary to actively participate in the patient’s care, and a change of environment is not enough: the patient must adapt his or her body.

But isn’t it against human nature to adapt only one’s environment and not one’s body?

The caregiver has knowledge of the body, but the patient has control over his or her own body, and must be aware of its dysfunctions.

Medicine must become a transparent exchange, on both sides.

Customized :

Medicine must be adapted to the individual, not to his or her pathology.

We mustn’t forget that the human being is a whole.

At present, the problem lies in the diversity of treatment specific to each


Nous avons besoin d’un point de vue globalisant. Il ne faut plus se centrer sur la pathologie mais sur le contexte.

Proven :

Until now, only 4P medicine has attracted interest. Today, a fifth P has been added, with the aim of affirming that all this medicine is evidence-based.

Since 4P medicine has a multidisciplinary focus, it seems important to use this last P to emphasize that care practices must be based on science.

The 4Ps, which were already gradually coming to the fore, have gradually led to the questioning of contemporary medicinal practices. Indeed, some of them no longer seem valid.

Thus, the importance of critical thinking and vigilance is highlighted, in order to guarantee the most appropriate care.

This critical spirit must not only be part of medicinal work, but also among patients. Indeed, some of our preventive practices are based solely on myths.

Contemporary, visionary medicine

We can see that this medicine is already beginning to take its place in medical practice. Little by little, it will become the only credible vision of effective medicine. Digital advances have made this theoretical breakthrough possible. Now, practical work will be largely coordinated with data scientists. Indeed, the use of artificial intelligence seems inevitable for this medicine of the future. Not only is it inevitable, it’s a real boon. Indeed, thanks to medical artificial intelligence, very large databases will enable progress to be made ever closer to the 5p ideal. Thus, 5P medicine, which was composed of just 4 principles, will continue to evolve rapidly. Some practitioners are already talking about a sixth paradigm for the medicine of the future.

Somewhere, a question seems to be emerging. Isn’t it precisely the arrival of digital technology, capable of automatically applying an answer to a given question, that has given rise to this idea of a medicine closer to the human being than to pathology.