L’intelligence artificielle au service de l’humain. EN

Artificial intelligence at the service of people. ALIA SANTé Artificial intelligence and humans. Artificial intelligence is a tool created by humans, and for humans. It’s the result of nearly a century of research by leading mathematicians. The continuous addition of new data. Powerful and reliable, artificial intelligence is at the service of humans. If it’s at the heart of conversations and questioning, it’s because it’s taking a real place.   Reading time: 4 minutes   Artificial intelligence is everywhere: in finance, public transport, everyday tools and healthcare. It is the perfect everyday assistant, with its learning and application skills. Today, there is little doubt that it will eventually assert itself thanks to its capabilities. Recently, Google’s artificial intelligence has been recognized as capable of coding like the average programmer. They are capable of creating works, interacting, responding to certain requests, assisting in medical diagnoses… All this is the result of learning that humans have worked hard to induce. Today, new fields of research are being opened up by artificial intelligence, such as ethics, which is the subject of much debate in the European Parliament. By integrating itself into our daily lives and gathering ever more data, artificial intelligence is now capable of achieving great things for the well-being of humans.   Artificial intelligence for well-being   Well-being often starts with taking care of your body. We can therefore think of new artificial intelligence technologies capable of creating personalized diagnoses and advising on what is needed for beautiful skin. But it could also be a question of psychological well-being. In this context, artificial intelligence is becoming a true companion to humans. Indeed, AI can be found in nursing homes and hospitals. It accompanies patients, asking them questions and monitoring their well-being. This presence enables patients to interact when staff are lacking.   The patient’s assistant as well as the caregiver’s.   The presence of medical artificial intelligence is not only beneficial for the patient. Indeed, there are certain situations that require the presence of a nurse. If the nurse is already busy, he or she can send a robot to the patient. The robot can then begin to examine the patient, asking questions in preparation for the nurse’s examination. Artificial intelligence can be a great help, through simple gestures. But it doesn’t stop there. Artificial intelligence can also help perform highly complicated surgeries. AI provides surgeons with enhanced functionalities and converts hand movements into much more precise ones, thanks to robots over which surgeons retain full control.   Scientific advances that were just waiting for the arrival of IAM.   If all advances are becoming more rapid and relevant, it’s because medicine has gradually introduced digital technology into its practices. Artificial intelligence simply has to be integrated into pre-existing modules that were already virtually independent. Artificial intelligence, in the service of human beings, enables us to make the most effective progress.  

L’intelligence artificielle au service de la radiologie EN

Artificial intelligence for radiology ALIA SANTé Artificial intelligence and radiology are now complementary Indeed, the emergence of artificial intelligence has led to the development of new types of radiological consultation. Artificial intelligence and radiology are now complementary. Indeed, the emergence of artificial intelligence has led to the development of new types of radiological consultations. Reading time: 4 minutes   Artificial intelligence, a tool for radiology.   Equipping radiologists with new modules.   These modules feature a wide range of tools. Here is a non-exhaustive list of the parameters that can be integrated: Annotation support (classification, segmentation, detection) Data processing and structuring Automatic generation of medical reports Detection of the most common anomalies (hernia, vertebral compression, spinal stenosis, spondylolithesis, etc.) Automatic measurement of parameters   Thanks to image synthesis, a global view can be obtained. Segmentation enables visual control of the output. And thanks to reconstruction and denoising, the patient has a shorter exposure time to the waves.   Upstream investment in the technologies of the future.   France decided to position itself very early on in the innovation of artificial intelligence in radiology. To this end, it was decided to transmit radiological “BigData” to the industry. The latter, by developing competent artificial intelligence, introduce it into the hospitals that have provided the necessary data.   Requirements for smooth operation   Today, tools are being put in place to evaluate the skills of radiologists and artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is a very powerful tool, and their collaboration is very conclusive.   Artificial intelligence is a medical decision support tool, not a diagnostic tool.   The relationship between programmer and radiologist   Working with radiologists, is to enable artificial intelligence to become a more reliable tool. Indeed, to guarantee an ideal medical imaging analysis tool, dialogue between data scientists and healthcare specialists is necessary. In this way, each of the two professions will be able to provide the other with different but equally important angles. First and foremost, we need to work towards better patient care. Radiologists are demanding transparency when it comes to medical artificial intelligence. Indeed, radiologists need to understand how the ia they use work.   The black box concept is unthinkable in the medical field.    The radiologist’s position in the face of a new type of alliance   At the very mention of artificial intelligence in radiology, people’s minds went into a panic. Indeed, some radiologists thought their role would be annihilated. Of course, this was a misperception. In fact, particularly in France, radiologists are highly efficient. Radiologists produce 120 million procedures a year, achieving impressive results despite sometimes inadequate resources. Today, this idea has changed. Artificial intelligence is making its appearance in the institutions, freeing up time and restoring a place for relationships with patients.   Improve relations between patients and radiologists.   What stands out with the emergence of artificial intelligence in radiology is the evolution of the relationship with the patient. Whereas frustration may have arisen from a lack of contact with the specialist, the acceleration of processes is changing this. Now, the healthcare professional can devote more time to the patient and develop the social bond between them. When it comes to machine-generated results, it’s important to have an exchange with someone who can confirm and explain. In fact, the machine makes it possible to foster relationships, reducing the time it takes to propose a diagnosis.   The patient and artificial intelligence.   A revaluation of the personal aspect.   Moreover, the absence of contact, communication and feelings is the main problem for patients. Indeed, what a patient is looking for is support, transparency and trust. Medical imaging analysis tools are still in their infancy in radiology. However, artificial intelligence is already bringing major practical, physical and emotional benefits.  

L’intelligence artificielle pour interpréter les images médicales de la colonne vertébrale EN

Artificial intelligence to interpret medical images of the spine ALIA SANTé Spine AI is artificial intelligence software for interpreting medical images of the spine obtained from MRI, X-ray and CT scans Reading time: 2 minutes.   Promote effective patient care.   Low back pain is one of the most common reasons people see their doctor or go to urgent care. This rate of patients also corresponds to an insufficiency in the success of spinal operations (HAS). Furthermore, early identification is not always possible due to a high demand for radiologists and specialists. This is why we implemented our Spine AI analysis software.   Analyze medical spinal imaging using Spine AI.   Spine AI is artificial intelligence software for interpreting medical images of the spine obtained by MRI, X-ray and CT scans. Spine AI supports the reading of these images, it also helps provide information on detected pathologies and measure key spinal parameters. Additionally, it clearly identifies and alerts the user to the presence of spinal abnormalities. Spine AI analytics software incorporates task-based, workflow-driven user design and real-time analytical reporting. This module uses machine learning algorithms based on fully convolutional neural networks combined with knowledge from the medical domain.   Provide effective tools for medical image analysis.   Help with annotation (classification, segmentation detection).  Data processing and structuring.  Anonymization of patient data.  Integration directly into your Dicom viewer.  Adaptability to all types of images (MRI, X-rays, scanner), and all types of views (axial, lateral, frontal).  Automatic generation of medical reports in PDF format.  Detection of the most common anomalies (hernia, vertebral collapse, spinal stenosis, spondylolithesis, etc.)  Automatic measurement of parameters.