What ethics for artificial intelligence in health?

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How to ensure ethics for artificial intelligence linked to health?

Ethics is the big question related to artificial intelligence, and especially in the field of health. Indeed, what is the legitimacy of the algorithm in medical decisions with all that they imply? Should we really allow artificial intelligence to have all the pragmatism of which it is capable? The question arises in particular in decision-making for major operations. The main question in medicine, and therefore applied to AI in the medical field, is that of the benefit-risk balance.

The benefit-risk balance, we have been confronted with it a lot recently. It is about taking into account all the factors encompassing a medical choice. In this way, we get as close as possible to the pragmatism necessary to make an important decision.

An AI that can be understood and explained.

It is necessary to ensure, from its conception, that an artificial intelligence makes the right choices. Thus, the data scientist must guide it in moral choices and decisions. This is also done in the field of ethics related to artificial intelligence. Indeed, the question starts at the very moment when AI will intervene in decisions related to humans. Medical care, hiring or access to credit.

In the field of health, it is essential that the AI ​​used is understandable and explainable. Indeed, when it comes to health and therefore sensitive decisions, it is difficult to accept the use of technologies that we do not understand.

Protection of privacy and medical data.

In medicine, one of the main ethical rules is to treat anyone requiring medical intervention. This is the principle on which medical artificial intelligence must be based. Protecting data and preventing all types of stereotypical bias is of crucial importance to ensure the performance of AIs.

The world of health is full of a significant amount of sensitive data. This data relating to private life requires high protection. This is why the CNIL supervises the advances made around digital technology in health. To do this, the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) came into force on May 25, 2018.

The objective of this regulation is to protect users and supervise the use of data. Thus, it guarantees an ethical use of artificial intelligence in health. “Protect personal data, support innovation, preserve individual freedoms”


Ethics and artificial intelligence, inseparable notions.

In Europe, the parliament is the first in the world to tackle legislation related to ethics in artificial intelligence.

If one thing was highlighted during the talks, it was the prioritization of human rights in the face of the race for progress. In order to guarantee ethical development of digital technology, the European Union, concerned about many other aspects of the web, is working to set up means of trust in order to develop rules governing the uses of artificial intelligence. Today, there are very explicit sites and very relevant moral dilemmas on the choices that an artificial intelligence must make. Starting with the idea of ​​the automatic car, the site Moral Machine has fun offering humans some of the millions of choices that an AI can make today.

Thus, from the development of the idea of ​​artificial intelligence until today, all fields are actively applied in research related to this new revolutionary pillar.

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