Synaxys testimony

Reading time: 2 minutes

Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy or autism are certainly terms that mean something to you. They all correspond to disorders or diseases of the nervous system, that is to say diseases that affect, disrupt and sometimes even gradually destroy the human nervous system.

Treating diseases of the nervous system, a challenge.

Currently, nervous system diseases affect 7% of the world’s population and yet 76% of drug candidates fail in clinical phase III. Despite the need, even the urgency, to make effective drugs accessible to patients, no curative treatment exists to date. Undeniably, we are facing a major societal problem.

At the origin of this medical wandering, the lack of efficient models. Especially since today, animal experimentation, until now widely used, is increasingly controversial and tends to disappear. The time has therefore come to develop new in vitro experimental models to contribute to the development and study of the physiopathological effects of existing or new drug entities, targeted for diseases of the human nervous system.

“The optimization of current in vitro models is therefore a key health issue that Synaxys has been addressing for more than 2 years.”

The solution provided by Synaxys

Performing multiparametric analyses leads to problems in the processing and analysis of the data collected due to the multiplicity of formats collected.

Source: SYNAXYS | Neuro-Engineering Systems

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