Artificial intelligence at the service of humans

Reading time: 2 minutes

Artificial intelligence is in all areas, financing, public transport, everyday tools, health. She is the perfect everyday assistant, with her learning and application skills. Today, there is little doubt, she will end up asserting herself thanks to her abilities. Recently, Google’s artificial intelligence has been recognized as capable of coding like an average programmer. They are able to create works, to interact, to respond to certain requests, to help with medical diagnoses…

Tout cela est le résultat d’apprentissages que l’humain s’est appliqué à lui induire. Aujourd’hui, de nouveaux domaines de recherches sont en cours au sujet de l’intelligence artificielle, tel que l’éthique qui est en grande réflexion dans le parlement européen.

L’intelligence artificielle, en s’intégrant à notre quotidien et en récoltant toujours plus de données, est à présent capable de réaliser de grandes choses pour le bien être des humains.

Artificial intelligence at the service of well-being.

Well-being often starts with taking care of your body envelope. We can therefore think of new artificial intelligence technologies capable of creating personalized diagnoses and advising on what is necessary to have beautiful skin.

However, it can also be about psychological well-being. In this context, artificial intelligence is becoming a real companion of humans. Indeed, AI is present in nursing homes and hospitals. She accompanies patients, asks them questions, monitors their well-being. This presence allows patients to interact when there are a lack of staff.

The assistant to the patients as well as the caregivers.

The presence of medical artificial intelligence is not only beneficial for the patient. Indeed, certain situations that require the presence of a nurse. The nurse who is already busy can send a robot to the patient. This robot can thus begin to examine the patient, ask him questions in order to prepare for the caregivers’ examination.

Thus, through simple gestures, artificial intelligence can be of great help. However, it does not stop there. Indeed, this artificial intelligence can contribute to very complicated surgeries. AI provides surgeons with improved functionality and converts the movement of their hands into much more precise movements thanks to robots that surgeons retain full control of.

Scientific advances that were only waiting for the arrival of IAM.

If all the progress is becoming faster and more relevant, it is because medicine has gradually introduced digital technology into its practices. Thus, artificial intelligence only needs to be integrated into pre-existing modules that were already almost independent. Artificial intelligence, at the service of humans, makes it possible to make the most efficient progress.

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